Wednesday, November 26, 2008

‘When others fire, you hire'

MUMBAI: As the competition hands out pink slips in a down economy, organisations should take advantage by hiring people. “Really good ones are b
eing laid off during times of recession,” says Robert Miller, co-founder of Miller Heiman and a renowned global sales practitioner.

“It’s the hard truth,” he continues. “No company has ever been able to achieve long-term success on the basis of budget cuts. Every business that succeeds over the long haul knows that it needs to invest in order to grow. As the saying goes, you have to spend money in order to make money.”

Bob, as he is fondly called, was in the city to address corporate chieftains, HR and sales workforce on strategic selling in the global economy at the Indiatimes Strategic Summit.
With over 40 years of experience in sales, consulting, and executive management, Bob and his team have helped clients succeed in the sales arena.

The recognised expert in complex sales management said, “Leaders need to think twice before cutting back during a recession. In particular, the benefits of any layoffs can be deceptively elusive.”

Citing an example, Bob spoke about the early 2000s, when Bain & Company conducted a study of the S&P 500. It found that, among companies that had similar growth rates, those that had small or no layoffs during a downturn tended to substantially outperform those that had larger layoffs.

“The reason is simple: because recessions typically last less than a year, so any short-term wage savings obtained from a large layoff are more than offset by the considerable cost of severance packages, any subsequent declines in productivity, and the expense of rehiring and training employees once the economy rebounds,” says the expert.

Undoubtedly its a grim scenario, when prices rise, factory orders drop, unemployment surges and other economic indicators signal rough times. It is then that corporates need to redouble their efforts. A slow economy is an excellent opportunity to improve the quality and size of not just your sales force, but your key people.

“Double up your efforts to get people on the street and capitalise on the strength of your executive team,” he adds.

In the country for the first time ever, Bob Miller, who has developed and introduced Strategic Selling some 30 years ago, said his passion was to elevate the role of the sales profession.

His mentorship drives innovations in sales performance that are consistent with the vision for the company he started three decades ago.

“There are three stages to a downturn,” Bob said, looking dapper in a dark blue suit teamed with a sky blue shirt. “When there are storm clouds on the horizon, as the first signs of trouble appear; when it is wet and rainy weather, when sales plunge; and when the first rays of sunshine appear, when customers start to increase their buying again.”

Studies have found that at each of those stages, companies tend to do exactly what they shouldn’t. In stage one, executives try to exude confidence that their company will be okay (so as not to frighten employees).

In stage two, they slash costs like crazy, often laying off employees and cutting back on the quality of their products or services. And in stage three, they spend freely, partly to try to make amends to alienated employees and customers. All of that might sound reasonable, but studies have revealed that companies that have been better at weathering the downturns tend to do just the opposite.

In stage one, they start battening down the hatches by letting staff know of their contingency plans. In stage two, they treat employees and customers like partners

Courtesy: Times of India

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